Saturday, March 8, 2008


Daylight Saving Time starts in many parts of United states from 9th March and ends on first sunday of November.Daylight Saving Time is a way of using more light out of the day by advancing clocks by one hour during the summer.Thus during DST, sun appears to rise one hour later in the morning and sets one hour later in the evening seeming to stretch the day one hour longer.The concept of DST is introduced inorder to save the energy that are required to light the houses .By practicing this it is expected to save 10,000 barrels of oil every day.During spring clocks are set one hour ahead with 23 hours a day and during autumn,clocks are set one hour back with 25 hours a day.

This concept of Daylight Saving Time was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 and later by William Willet in 1907.United States later adapted it by 1916.DST is practiced in many parts of North America,Europe,Australia.

1 comment:

Mommy Lutchi said...

added this blog in my blogroll, don't forget mine please...Buzz me