Thursday, March 20, 2008


Microsoft has decided to support Adobe's Flash technology on its windows Mobile platform in addition to its own Silverlight multimedia technology.Microsoft has signed a deal with Adobe Flash Lite,the Flash player for mobile devices and it also licensed Adobe Reader LE software,so that it will enable windows mobile users to view PDF documents.This feature allows the windows mobile users to view rich web content through Internet Explorer using either Flash or Silverlight.


Liz said...

hello sathya! thanks for dropping by. i'm going to add you to my links ^_^

take care.

Anonymous said...

hi there, thanks for the visit

♥ Christie said...

Hello sathya.

First of all,
I am not commenting on this post.
I cant find out the way to write in your chatbox. So, I write it all here

thanks for visiting.
you are asking for sharing each other links? Sure.
Will a link you up soon. That's all.

take care =)

kljs said...

And I thought Silverlight was a competitor to Flash......

btw, I also added you to my blogroll.